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SnowFox DVD & Video to iPad Converter for Mac 1.1.0

What's Required in Version 1.1.0 of SnowFox DVD & Video to iPad Converter for Mac

Intel® processor, OS: Mac OS X (10.5 - 10.6), 100MB free hard disk space for installation, Super VGA (1024×768 or above) resolution, 512MB RAM or above

What's New in Version 1.1.0 of SnowFox DVD & Video to iPad Converter for Mac

1. Added new profile; 2. Added output file to iTunes library automatically; 3. Added capture video screenshot; 4. Support iPhone 4, iOS 4; 5. Fixed the conversion failed problem if DVD title included illegal character.

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Photo & Design > Video Convertors
This product is also listed in: CD&DVD Convertors


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